Liner Lock - Locking Systems
Liner Lock Info

The liner lock (and it's derivative, the frame lock) is probably the most prevalent locking system used today in tactical knives and was invented in 1980 by Michael Walker. Michael Walker patented the idea, using a ball detent to hold the knife in the closed position and stop pin to hold the knife in the open position.
A liner lock, sometimes called a locking liner, works by having a section of the liner spring inwards and wedge itself beneath the tang of the blade when it is opened all the way. The locks the blade open between the stop pin and the liner locking mechanism. Modified versions of the liner lock may not use a traditional stop pin but use thumbstuds to do the same job instead.
The liner lock is by far the most common locking system used by custom tactical knifemakers as it is easy to manufacture and reliable to use. The biggest advatage of the liner lock over many other lock types like the lock back, compression lock or axis lock is the easy of one-handed closing in addition to opening. Most other locking methods are not as easy to close one-handed.